Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas


Via Aquila Romana, 2 Arpino (Fr) - Italy


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2017 Program

The program of XXXVII edition of Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas.

updated 04/05/2017
[#] = for students
[*] = for teachers

14:30: Arrival of Participants at Frosinone Rail Station [#] [*]

18:00: The Selection  Board takes office at “Aula Magna” of the I.I.S Tulliano (Tulliano High School)

8:00: The Certamen takes place on the premises of the I.I.S Tulliano

9:30 - Palazzo Boncompagni [*]
IX Symposium Ciceroniano dedicated to “I Commenti di Cicerone “ by the Faculty UCLM - Letters and  Philosophy Department

12:30 Aperitif at Palazzo Iannuccelli organised by Circolo Tulliano and offered by Paolo Iannuccelli and Roberta Pittaluga. [*]

16:00: Tour of Acropolis of Civitavecchia. Participants will attend the reopening ceremony of the Tower of Cicero  [#] [*]

17:30: Cultural Event at Palazzo Boncompagni
Prof. Giuseppe Antonelli’s lecture from the University of Cassino and of Southern Lazio “Le chiocciole e le lumache. L’Italiano 2.0.”
Readings of Cicero’s passages by Piergiorgio Sperduti, artistic director of Teatro d’Arte “La Valigia di Prospero
Musical breaks by the soprano Orietta Manente and the pianist Nicola Apice - Aviap Project

19:00: Umberto Mastroianni Foundation  [#] [*]
- Gala evening
- Exhibition “Urban Skin” tour and meeting with the author
- Theater performances organized by I.I.S’ students
- Buffet organized by Convitto Nazionale ‘Tulliano’ di Arpino
- Random Clockwork’s concert 


9:30:  Meeting with I.I.S’ students. Guided tour of Arpino
[#] [*]

10:00: Opening of Photography Exhibition “Memoriae” by Ennio Iacobucci.

16:00: Tour of Montecassino Abbey. Abbot’s greeting, Dom Donato Ogliari. [#] [*]

19:00: Boncompagni Palace - Award Ceremony “Olio Terra di Cicerone”, organised by the Associazione Olivicoltori “Terra di Cicerone”

21:30: Historic Centre - “Meeting evening” - Juvenum nox [#] [*]


10:00: Arpino - Piazza Municipio [#] [*]
- Award Ceremony
- Greetings from the authorities
- Postal Cancellation Mark (from 9:00 to 13:00)

Live Streaming on www.certamenciceronianum.it


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